Intro to Quadtree

πŸ”— Code Example: Quadtree (Part 1 of 2)

πŸ”— References:

πŸ”— Timestamps:

  • 0:10 Inspiration for the tutorial

  • 1:06 Agenda

  • 1:49 What is a quadtree?

  • 3:19 Let's start coding

  • 3:58 Create a Point class to represent a simple coordinate (x, y)

  • 4:19 Create a Rect class for a rectangular bounding box

  • 4:58 Create a Quadtree class with 3 main methods (insert, subdivide, and query)

  • 6:29 Write an Insert method

  • 14:08 Write a Subdivide method

  • 23:02 Write a Query method

  • 30:02 Fix a bug

  • 32:41 Create a Circle class for a circular bounding box

  • 40:52 Create a Particle class

  • 47:37 Call collision detection without a quadtree (oh no!)

  • 50:53 Call collision detection with a quadtree (oh yes!)

  • 57:42 Moment of truth


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