Idea-Driven Approach to Learning | August 31, 2024

This Week's Highlight

I must say that I was quite surprised to see so many of you like this week's tutorial! You know I love a good algorithm and this tutorial was born out of my own curiosity.

But this is one long video...

...and I thought you guys would be like what the heck is a quadtree?

If that is you, don't worry, I explain it in details in the video (great segway I know 🤭). So go watch it if you are curious!

What Inspires Me

I recently found this video by Sarv, who is a student at UC Berkeley majoring in CS and cognitive science (cool combo!). He is working on this "dumb phone", as opposed to the "smart phone" we all own, that is capable of doing just the basic functions.

This makes me feel old because I still remember being in high school with a phone that basically had only these features 🤨

Jokes aside, Why am I sharing this video?

This is the type of projects that really inspires me.

It highlights the idea-driven approach to learning as it harnesses the power of passion and curiosity to fuel learning. When you are excited about an idea, the challenges and difficulties become secondary to the desire to bring that vision to life. In the video, Sarv shares that he had to learn lots of new skills from circuit board designing to soldering to 3D printing (and probably a lot more) to make this little guy.

Give it a watch. He's also a great storyteller!

Music for Coding

For the past few months, I have been exclusively listening to this ​playlist​ while I work. I listen to other things at other times, but if I need to get some code out of me, this playlist is it.

What do you listen to when you code? I'd love to know. We can even make a community playlist~ 🎵

Until next week!


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