Welcome to Patt Vira’s VERY First Newsletter | March 1, 2024

Welcome to my very first weekly newsletter!

To be very honest, I have been putting off sending one of these for a few months now. Why? I got stuck in the analysis paralysis trap! But done is better than perfect. And if this one is not your cup of tea, there is always another one coming next week 🤓🤓🤓.


I am doing my first live streaming this month! You heard it here first! Agenda to be announced.

Save the Date: Friday, March 15, 2024 (Time TBD).

This week's highlight

Recursion, Recursion, Recursion, Recursion...

I found recursion to be pretty confusing when I was first introduced to it, mainly because I had a hard time figuring out the order at which the code is run. Even when I was prepping for this video, I ended up console-logging a bunch of things to really understand how the code worked. Now that I dove back into this algorithm, there are so many more recursive and fractal ideas I want to experiment with. I plan to create a series on recursive patterns. The next one will be the Hilbert Curve, so be on the lookout for it!

Personal Updates

I visited Ho Chi Minh city last month. It was my first time and oh wow, what a bustling city! There were honking sounds everywhere all day and all night. I would describe it as stimulating (err on the side of chaotic but I loved it!).

While crossing the street and trying my best not to get hit by motorcycles coming from all sides, I overheard someone saying:

'Crossing the streets here is like playing a game of Frogger' and I couldn't stop laughing. It is sooo true!

This trip and that quote really inspire me to create the game Frogger. But this time, instead of doing it in p5.js, I want to explore a new library called​ ​kaboom.js​​. It will be a good challenge for myself to try something new. I will share either a tutorial or my process some time soon!

Our Conversation

A dear subscriber recently asked me:

What are you hoping to create with this platform/community?

And it got me thinking quite a bit.

It has been a very rewarding and enjoyable six months getting to code on a regular basis, create video tutorials, and interact with you guys. I have no clear answer for the long-term plan just yet. My current plan is to continue sharing content that makes coding interesting, fun and approachable. I do want to branch out to other types of content in the future, including making physical computing (combining software and hardware) type projects as my background is in mechanical engineering and I enjoy making things with my hands. But right now, I still have so many more p5.js tutorial ideas that I cannot wait to share!

🍄 If you have an idea of what this community and platform could be for you, I would love to hear your thoughts! 🍄

That's it for the first one. Feedback is appreciated 🤓

Until next week!


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