Live-streaming Updates and Learning by Digging Deeper | March 8, 2024

Another week, another newsletter.

How's your week been? It's been quite hot here in Bangkok, and there is going to be a heat wave this weekend 🥵🥵🥵. Don't worry, I'll keep myself cool inside, while preparing for my very first... (check the announcement!)


Live-streaming is happening next Friday, March 15 at 10AM EST!!

I’ll be doing some data visualization that involves data from my youtube audience. It will be a lot of fun so I hope that many of you can make it!

This Week's Highlight

I posted a video on the ​Möbius Strip​ - what a cool shape with only one side and one edge.

I have been making three videos a week for about six months now and it can be difficult at times to figure out what I should make next. I do take inspirations from all sorts of places, including from my past self (aka my previous videos 😂). I enjoy making this type of videos because it forces me to dig deeper into a concept that I previously only scratched the surface. And I always come out gaining some new knowledge.

For the Möbius Strip, the parametric equations that make up this shape have the same base as those of the shape of a donut. If you enjoyed the ​donut video​, I think you will like this one.

Our Conversation

A dear subscriber asked whether there is a way to post your work for the community to see. And YES there is!

You can follow this link ​here​ to submit your work for the showcase. I would love to see them, whether they are inspired by my tutorials or not. Thanks to all who already submitted!

Until next week!


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