100 Coding Tutorials Under My Belt | May 4, 2024

Happy May everyone! How has your first week been?

This Week's Highlight

There were lots of particles flying everywhere this week! Two-dimensional space? Three-dimensional space? I got them all.

Particle Systems is one of the concepts that, once mastered, can really open up lots of possibilities for your creative projects. All you need is to really understand the key steps in creating a single particle, a system of particles, and many systems of particles! Check out the video to learn just that.

The Nature of Code

If you found me on Youtube, you must have come across Daniel Shiffman from the ​Coding Train​. I very much enjoy watching and learning from him – what an amazing teacher and a super entertaining one at that.

He recently finished the updated version of the ​Nature of Code​, which he first self-published over a decade ago. This was one of the books I used to learn creative coding and I cannot recommend it enough. Plus, it has a whole chapter on Particle Systems!

You can pre-order a hardcopy ​here​!

100 Coding Tutorials

​Can you believe I have made 100 Coding Tutorials since September? I cannot believe it either.

Through blood, sweat, and tears, I finally made it here (drama much? 😝). In all honesty, it has been a lot of work but also very rewarding. I have learned so much about this craft of coding and staying creative. I have also learned a lot about myself – what it takes to stay discipline and to keep going.

A while back, I did this video talking about how I turn my idea into code. With 100+ videos under my belt, I have a lot more to share and I am curious what you would find interesting. So fire away - ​click the link​ and let me know what to talk about.

Until next week!


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