Where I Go For Ideas💡 | October 12, 2024

This Week's Highlight

I posted the second part of my Q&A, this time answering questions around my work and my process. If you are curious about what goes on behind the scene, you will enjoy this one!

What Inspires Me

I often get asked where my ideas come from, and one of my go-to sources is the OpenProcessing website. It’s an online platform where people share creative projects, many of which are built using Processing or p5.js.

In fact, this most recent video was inspired by a sketch I found there by Golan Levin. If you're looking for ideas or inspiration, definitely check it out! It's also a great way to learn from the code others have shared.

Physical Computing Series

I’m super excited to be starting a new series on physical computing (super soon 👀) and I have lots of ideas brewing in Patt’s kitchen. I’m considering a few different ways to approach it. Let me know which would be most interesting.

🌸 Option 1: Arduino 101 Video Tutorial:

  • A basic video tutorial aimed at complete beginners, covering the essential components and steps to get started with Arduino.

🍁 Option 2: Challenge-Based Series:

  • A series focused on challenges using components from the starter kit. Each episode is independent of each other.

🍄 Option 3: From Start to Finish:

  • A project that spans multiple episodes, starting from beginner concepts and progressing towards an advanced final project (for example, an interactive display)!

Send me an email at pattmakesstuff@gmail.com with Option 1, 2, or 3. If you have other ideas or suggestions, I am all ears!

Until next week!


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