Find Your Community | September 14, 2024

This Week's Highlight

The second part of the Quadtree series is OUT as promised! Have you seen it yet?

Personally, this series was very rewarding to learn and make as it mixes a concept I recently discovered (quadtree) with a concept I have always been interested in (flocking simulations) to create something beautiful yet efficient. What makes it even better is that you guys seem to really enjoy it as well!

What are some other neat algorithms I should explore?

Private Spacewalk, Anyone?

This past Thursday (September 12), the Polaris Dawn mission, featuring a SpaceX Dragon spacecraft, executed the first-ever commercial spacewalk reaching an altitude of 870 miles above Earth!

This was a significant achievement in so many ways, including the fact that it shows how private space companies are now able to handle complicated tasks that used to be done only by government space agencies. Exciting stuff!

Find Your Community

Since coming back from ITP Camp in NYC, I have been looking for ways to get more involved in the Creative Coding scene in Bangkok.

I didn't even know whether there was a scene, but one thing led to another and I met a group of amazing crew last night! They have hosted many events, some are more 'creative' than others. It was a great start and really got me thinking about potentially organizing a regular in-person creative coding event in Bangkok.

If you have experience in hosting these types of events in your city, I am all ears!

Until next week!


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