Entering a New Territory | September 21, 2024

This Week's Highlight

This week, I made a quick yet beautiful piece that gets you to practice storing and accessing a 2d array! There are two versions: interactive & generative, so take your pick!

Fun fact: Did you know the name Kaleidoscope comes from the Greek words “kalos” (beautiful), “eidos” (form), and “scope” (to look or examine) 🧐

New Territory

We are entering a new territory! I posted a quick introduction video on physical computing just this morning and the reception is amazing.

I laid out in the video what my current plan is, but to be honest I am still figuring out the exact format and schedule I plan to approach this series so please bare with me!

In the meantime, if you have suggestions or ideas, feel free to write me. I am always looking for some inspiration as we approach this new ground together! 🚀

Taste vs Skills

As an avid podcast listener, Ira Glass is one of my favorites in this field. He is an American public radio personality best known as the host and producer of the radio show This American Life.

I thought about one of his quotes this week as I am about to embark on a new direction in physical computing.

It is about taste.

He explains that when you're starting out in a creative field, your taste is often more developed than your skill, which can lead to frustration. But, he emphasizes that persistence and practice are key to bridging that gap between your current ability and the high standards your taste demands.

I have some experience in physical computing, but starting something new can be challenging. It is not that I am not confident in my ability to do it, but I know that it will take quite an effort to get where I want to be. It is the same feeling I had when starting to make p5.js tutorials a year ago. I am nervously excited, but I need to remind myself that only time and practice will get me to where I want to be. Wish me luck!

Until next week!


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